�g�tis byrjun... a new beginning - 7:18 p.m. - 2002-05-14

written around 4pm today, on the bus coming home

social injustice. this morning waiting for the bus, an old friend crossed the street and stood beside myself. he sat two seats over, we did not speak. I haven't spoken to him since 1997. Just lost contact. I took another bus at the terminal, dismissed the previous, and continued as regular.

Someone had written "666 WHITE POWER" on the veneer next to my seat. I searched through my bag (unsuccessfully) looking for a marker or some adhesive to hide either one or both words. Funny how I don't mind Satanism, but cannot stand Racism. I'm sure some non-caucasian would be more offended by the satanic symbol, but I wouldn't care if they saw me sitting beside it.

Portishead has put me into an even more listless state. I feel artsy, which is probably the cause of this.

I called & left a message for L just now, I hope she got home OK this morning. When I'd left her I thought she wouldn't get to the station on time. She starts school to-day, I'm excited for her.

I feel my limited vernacular inhibits my writing, and makes me sound lame. I must admit I think I did not use the word "inhibit" correctly.

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