What the fuck is the internet? - 1:13 p.m. - 2002-06-12

OK. I totally broke my doorframe last night.

Here's the sitch: 6 weeks ago I bought books for school this symester, they totalled about $200. Mother told me to put it on my credit card, and give her the bill so she could photocopy it at work and give a copy to my father. The deal in the divorce is they both pay half, tuition and books. I gave her the bill about 3 weeks ago, and haven't seen any money, or even a copy of the bill yet.

I know I'm asking for trouble when I talk to my mom about money, but I don't want VISA to start charging me interest. I cannot pay it off myself, because, frankly, I don't have the money. The change I make from working at the cheapest, ghettoest grocery store ever goes to food, transportation, and things to do with my lovely girlfriend other than staying at home watching a movie or "whatever." ;)

After I asked my mom about the money, I could tell she felt guilty. She hadn't made the copy, and was obviously avoiding paying me the money. Her automatic defence is ear-piercing screeching. Two weeks ago, when we were having the same arguement, she said this was the "last time" she'll pay for all of "her" half. Now she claims that I should pay for HER half, becuase I made NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS last year. She knows I didn't save any of it, and she's already yelled at me for that countless times.

Why should I pay for all of what she owes, while my father pays for his?

So I broke my door frame. I was going to smash my cell phone on the deck outside, but all my phone numbers would be lost. I figured after I wrote all the numbers down on paper, I probably wouldn't want to smash it anymore - and I was right. I'll save it for the next time someone pisses me off, which always happens to be a member of my family.

This always happens, as soon as I part with Lara, everything turns to shit. My mom's a bitch, she refuses to keep the air conditioning on in 28 fucking degree sweaty weather, my computer broke.

I'm handing out resume's today. I need a better paying job.

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