Carry moonbeams home, in a jar - 7:26 a.m. - 2002-06-20

So here I am at school, again. 7:27 by the big clock on the wall. Wearing my *new green plaid three-piece-suit* I bought at Kensington Market last week.

I wouldn't be so self-concious about my allergies and blowing/wiping my nose if I wasn't this uncomfortable with what I'm wearing. Sure, it's hilarious, but most strangers don't really get the humor. At least I dont look like a total geek, my black shirt and tie look smashing. I guess you could say I look Good bad. As my mom put it: You look strange, but not bad, so it's good. Or something like that.

The suit is for my Business Communications presentation today.

Copy-and-Paste, you mother fucker, I'm not losing another entire entry like yesterday.
That's probably happened 3 or 4 times now, and when one's lost, I cannot force myself to re-write it. I simply give up.

I think the internet has screwed up my grammar. I can't remember the proper sentence structures, if those even exist anymore. My punctuation has wasted away, too. Last week I actually forgot that don't has an apostraphe.

I won't get to see my baby till Sunday. SUNDAY.

Yay, it's 7:35, the cafeteria is open. I can go buy my carrot muffin and orange juice now. It really took me 8 minutes to write this? I type fast. It took 8 minutes to think it. That doesn't make sense.
You're welcome.

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