Cage is a four letter word - 1:41 p.m. - 2002-10-10

This is definately an interesting referral.

Thanks to Greg for the kind email, your diary is looking great!

So the Queen came to my school today, or rather: she's here now, checking out the school, and having lunch. I decided to wait at the entrance for her since I was arriving about the same time she was. It wasn't very exciting, I didn't expect it to be. The press was there, very prominently. A few students approached me asking if I had anything to say about the day's events, I had nothing. However, I dislike what's been happening around here.

The school has been 'prepared' for the Queen. Tons of furniture has been moved to other parts of the school she won't see. There are notices on poster boards warning us not to post anything there until tomorrow, the 11th. Our student center's pub "The Cage" will be known (only today) as the Main Hall. The Cage was established in '91, I guess the name is too low brow for Her Majesty.

From The Sheridan Sun (our campus newspaper)

�All the chairs and tables have been be cleared out,� said Tom Boychuck, Student Centre Manager. �We�ve rented new tables and chairs for the Queen and everything looks great.�
Washrooms have been repainted and new fixtures have also been added. An expected 300 guests are scheduled to arrive and the menu is not being released for security purposes. Chartwell�s Cafeteria Catering will be preparing the meal.
�Believe it or not,� Boychuck said. �Everyone thinks that cafeteria food isn�t great but if you pay them enough they will make great food.�

Too bad she can't see our school the way it really is. I wonder if she ever experiences real life, without people scrambling ahead of her masking reality with regality.

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