Hyper Bowl - 4:21 p.m. - 2003-02-04

Someone from the Peel Teen Crisis Center is coming over today to talk with my family. The reason is my 16 year old sister, Melanie.
I can say without hyperbole that she is literally the root of 90% of the conflicts that happen in this house. (Speaking of hyperbole, a smart-looking 24 year old female student in my class pronounced it "Hyper Bowl" last week in a presentation. I believe I was the only one who noticed, but only because a small number of people were actually paying attention.)
Anyway, the situation has become dire, and my mother believes that Melanie won't stop until she's ruined her engagement with my soon-to-be-step-father Patrick. Pat is a nice guy, both my brother and I like him a lot, and I am very happy for them both. My sister, however, is jealous of him, and doesn't want to co-operate. On top of this, she never lifts a finger in the house, is constantly leaving her trash around only for us to pick it up and put it away so she can complain about how everybody always "hides" her stuff from her. The most recent, and climactic, event was a little over a week ago, when in an argument together, Melanie upset my mother so much, she left for coffee with Pat. Melanie visits our father on weekends, he knows all about the problems, and wants to help. He suggested that my mom go out to cool off, and he'd pick Melanie up so they could go out to talk as well. There is a lot of background that I won't go into here, my mom came home on her own, crying and vomiting and screaming that Patrick wasn't coming back. She thought my sister had won, and her life was ruined.

That night showed me how much my mom really loves Pat, and how much I love them both. I knew she was exaggerating, but she believed it. I took the car and went to the place they were, and sure enough Pat was there in his car waiting for her to come back. He did not realize the desperation of the situation, so I explained and we both quickly came home.

So, a few things could happen now. Melanie will either realize what's going on, and finally listen for once, or continue to be incorrigible and possibly end up living with my dad. I don't even know if he'd take her, she's so stubborn. This is not a typical 'teenage rebellion', it is something that has been an increasingly worse problem for a few years now, and it's finally becoming totally unbearable having her live here.

If she moves out, it will be for her own good. I love her, of course, but she needs something to set her right.

I might write more about this later. I had to ignore my chronic writers' block just to write this much. I don't feel any flow to what I write.

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